Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Community Day!

It's community day here at YLC! This morning we got up early to get on the bus to go to Silver Falls state park! We were all excited for a great morning of hiking and beautiful sights. However, we weren't going just for the view, we had plans for community service, too!

Silver Falls is a beautiful place, we wanted to help make it even more beautiful, so along our way we picked up any and all trash we saw scattered along the trails! Community service is an important part of being a citizen, when we contribute to our community we are able to feel more involved and a part of it. Along the trail we saw several waterfalls, we even walked behind one and got to look through the falling water to see the beautiful scenery! We hiked for two and a half hours, by the end we collected two garbage bags full of trash! We felt great about our good work, many of us decided to treat ourselves to some home baked cookies at the cafe/gift shop at the end of the trip! After we ate our bag lunches and took several group pictures, we hopped back on the bus to head back to Camp Taloali.

We arrived at the camp at around 1 p.m. and headed for Leadership Hall. Mike Wynne, an ASL and Deaf Studies teacher from Texas School for the Deaf, came to give us a workshop on how we can bring what we learn here at YLC back to our communities. He explained how leaders make their ideas stick, and how all ideas must have a tipping point in order to be successful, and something small but powerful enough to impact many people. He showed the campers several well known logos, such as McDonald's, Facebook, and Twitter. Then he showed Jr.NAD's logo and challenged the campers to brainstorm ideas to get their schools and communities involved in Jr.NAD when they return home. The campers mixed into four groups and discussed their ideas. Later they got on stage and presented their ideas to every one. Of course, with YLC there is always a twist or challenge! The campers had to deal with the staff, who acted as if they were students in their schools challenging all of their ideas! The purpose of this was to prepare the campers to face these challenges, and learn how to react in a positive way that can still attract their peers to their organization. The campers really enjoyed the role playing, and enjoyed watching Mike's presentation.

After dinner we had our fireside early, the campers were puzzled, but sat down to watch Mike give his fireside chat. His chat was enjoyable, Mike said he did not plan to stand for 45 minutes and give a long speech about his life, instead he preferred to summarize his life story and open the floor to questions from the campers. The campers asked tons of questions and were thrilled to hear funny stories about two staff members, Joshua Weinstock and Jonathan Kessel, when they were young as Mike used to be their basketball coach! Mike explained how he moved around to six different colleges, and how the path of his life changed as he learned what he wants and what he doesn't want out of life. Mike's fireside was an inspiration for the campers so that they know that they can change their minds about what they want to do in life at the last minute. Mike told the campers that it's better to change your mind and be happy with what you are doing, than to force yourself to do what you don't want to do!

Afterwards, the campers headed over to Leadership Hall to find out what their evening program was going to be. They were all still wondering why tonight's fireside was moved up. Greg Beattie and Vivienne Schroeder, the Deans of Boys and Girls, got up on stage and drew a long line across one of the white boards. They created a timeline from birth, childhood, high school, college, and beyond. Then they made a mark on the line in the high school section. That mark represents YLC, the deans explained how YLC is just a dot in our lifetime, and how we should cherish every moment of our time here because before we know it, it will be over. Greg then explained what we would be doing tonight: Camp Process. Camp process is exactly like the group process the campers have every morning with their groups, except it is with the entire camp. Camp process is our chance to express how we feel about YLC, about each other, and about ourselves. At first, the campers were skeptical, some didn't see the point of camp process. By the end of the night, everyone understood the point of it. The campers took turns getting up in front of every one and expressing how they feel. Many campers and staff shed some tears tonight, and when it was over, everyone felt a stronger connection and bond with one another. We wrapped up with a huge group hug, and a better understanding of each other. It was a wonderful and positive experience for all of the campers and staff.

Yes, you, Ryan Commerson!

Shari McMahon keeping an eye on the hiking campers from the back of the line.

The campers playing near the waterfall and having fun!

Is the water cold, Shu Han Guo?

Patti Klinger looking around for trash to pick up!

Lauren Sanchez loves being outside in nature!

Up, up, up the campers hiked!

Behind the waterfall! Can you spot Hillary Frankowiak, Richard Bertling, and Dana Hill?

Blair Rasmus pausing to smile for the camera as she peers down to the bottom of the waterfall!

Kassie Stutler and Leo Curry behind the waterfall!

Jennifer Spensieri gazing at the top of the waterfall.

YLC '09 group picture after our short journey through nature!

We can't be serious ALL of the time! Campers and staff goofing off!

Mike Wynne talking to the campers about what they can do in their community!

Chad Willman and Nha Kim thinking of ways they can inspire their communities at home!

Shu Han Guo, Justine Webb and Bethany Weiner waiting to discuss their ideas in their group!

Mike Wynne at fireside!

After we wished each other a warm "YLC '09 GOOD NIGHT!" the campers walked together to their cabins, laughing, reflecting on their day and sharing more stories about their lives.