This morning we did something different with the campers. We had a wrap up session for the campers with the camp director. The campers were given the chance to give feedback on the program so we can improve for next year! We truly value the campers' input and opinions, there is always room for improvement! YLC is, after all, all about the experience of our campers!
Today we had two very important guests visit us here at YLC. Melissa Draganac-Hawk, who is a member on the NAD Board, and Michelle Lapides, Miss Deaf America 2008-2010! Melissa gave a workshop to the campers about NAD, Jr. NAD, and state associations. The campers learned about what these associations have to offer and how they can become involved in their communities! She talked about the importance of NAD and what services they provide for deaf people throughout the United States. Melissa also talked about how important it is to fundraise for their organizations. The campers and Melissa made lists for fundraising ideas that they can use to raise money for their Jr.NAD branches! She explained the different ways campers can get involved in NAD, the campers have already gotten a head start by coming to YLC!
After yet another delicious dinner, the campers got to host tonight's evening program. Everyone was buzzing with excitement because the campers got to decide what they wanted to do for the evening, and what they wanted was for the staff to perform for an Improv Night! The campers had a lot of laughs as the staff made utter fools of themselves up on stage! Everyone had a great time!
Tonight we had two fireside speakers, Melissa Draganac-Hawk and Michelle Lapides. Melissa talked about the importance of appreciating culture. She explained about her experience traveling around the world and how she learned to appreciate other countries values and culture, even if they did not match with her own. She told us about one of her experiences traveling through Africa with a friend. They were in Zimbabwe and stopped at this one town, specifically a very unique restaurant. She and her friend are both vegetarians, but they decided it was important to respect the culture at that restaurant and eat the meat they served there. On the menu: Zebra, ostrich, alligator, boar, and snake! It was a once in a lifetime experience for her that she is glad she took! She recommended a book called Culture Shock and gave us tips for traveling in different countries. She emphasized how important it is to read up about any country you are planning to visit before you go so that you can become familiar with their values, customs and cultural beliefs. We all really enjoyed Melissa's story and wish we had time to hear more of her adventures!
After Melissa wrapped up, Michelle Lapides got up in front of us to give her fireside chat! She told us about her experience with the Miss Deaf America competition. She explained that she has wanted to be Miss Deaf America since she was five years old and she met the Miss Deaf America at that time when she came to visit Michelle's class in Kendall school in DC. She became fascinated with the sparkly tiara and immediately knew that she wanted to follow in her footsteps. She approached Miss Deaf America and asked if she could borrow her blue dress when she runs for Miss Deaf America when she was old enough. Who was Miss Deaf America when Michelle was five? Our very own Jennifer Yost Ortiz! Michelle went on to describe how her life long dream was made a reality, she told the campers that if they have dreams, they should go for them! She shared an inspiring quote: "The world needs dreamers, and the world needs doers. Above all, the world needs dreamers that do!" She wrapped up by giving advice to those who are interested in running for Miss Deaf America, "Just be confident, be yourself and it will shine through!"
Melissa was ready and happy to answer any questions our campers might have!
The campers watching the presentation on NAD.
Adam Jarashow acting as a ballerina playing football and order a meal from McDonalds all at the same time!
Adam won best actor for that performance!
Jon Kessel acting like a contestant for Miss YLC!
Martin and Shari having an argument about leaving hair in the drain!
The Pixel's final fireside performance!
Melissa Draganac-Hawk telling us about her traveling experiences.
Miss Deaf America: Michelle Lapides!
Knowing very well that tomorrow is the last day of YLC, we gathered in Leadership Hall to wish each other a heartfelt YLC '09 GOOD NIGHT!